What is the Process to Get Mesothelioma Compensation?
Mesothelioma compensation is a financial reward paid to victims and their families by the companies responsible for permitting asbestos exposure. While damages vary, asbestos trust funds can pay over $150,000 to eligible victims. Choose Asbestos Canada to help you seek mesothelioma compensation. Here is the process you can expect.
Free Consultation
We begin with an initial meeting to review your case, learn your work history, ask about your health, and find out when you were diagnosed. Then, our mesothelioma lawyers send you a questionnaire and a retainer form. Once you complete the forms, research can begin.
Research Your Case & File Your Claim
Our asbestos lawyers research your past employment and draft an affidavit regarding your work history and exposure. We may also ask for further details about your work history to strengthen your case. With the work history affidavit signed, we can file your claims with the applicable trust funds.
Review Period
The claim review process usually takes one to nine months. We send you the funds as each claim is accepted, with the whole process typically taking less than a year. We can send the funds in US or Canadian dollars, with direct deposit available if you choose Canadian dollars.
Frequently Asked Questions
What mesothelioma compensation can I expect?
The amount of compensation depends on the degree of asbestos exposure. For example, did you work in a shipyard, power plant, steel plant, chemical plant, or other heavy industries? If so, you can expect higher compensation than if you worked on residential or commercial properties. Rest assured that our mesothelioma cancer lawyers will work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve, no matter the circumstances surrounding your asbestos exposure.
What if my claim is denied?
If a claim is denied, we can appeal it. Providing more information, such as further work history or medical proof, usually ends in approval. This delays the process by three to six months.
How do you meet with clients?
We can meet in person if it’s convenient for you. But since we have clients across Canada, we can also talk by phone, over video chat, or via email. There is no court date or drawn-out legal battle—all you need to do is provide medical reports and sign affidavits, which can be done electronically on a computer or tablet. Then, we file the claims on your behalf.
What if the victim passes away?
Time is of the essence in mesothelioma cases. If a client passes away before signing their work history affidavit, it’s more difficult to obtain compensation. Depending on your health when you contact us, we can expedite the affidavit process and have the injured person sign very quickly. If the victim passes away during the review period, we send the funds to the specified beneficiaries.
Contact Us to Seek Mesothelioma Compensation
Asbestos Canada has some of the top mesothelioma lawyers in the country, and we’re ready to help you seek justice. We have over 60 years of combined experience assisting asbestos victims all over Canada. If you have mesothelioma, contact us at 877-428-8000, and we’ll begin working on your case right away.